Learning Technologies Africa (LTA) is a Pan- African Learning Technologies Conference and Exhibition, which is an initiative geared towards building digital competences in the knowledge society. It is the leading academic and Industry gathering for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the field of Education.

LTA  provides a unique forum for education and training professionals to discuss the latest research, development, applications, issues, and strategies, to explore new technologies, and to identify solutions for today’s challenges related to online learning.

A variety of opportunities and venues are designed to enable participants to actively learn from and collaborate with a multinational, cross-industry expert faculty and peers on the research, development, diverse learning experiences, implementation and technology needed to improve e-learning.

The  theme for LTA 2022 is  Post Covid Learning Landscape”. Education has been the focus of media attention since COVID has intermittently closed classrooms and campuses over the past year. As a result of  the disruption, there has been a  widespread shift to online learning . This has given learners and education providers a glimpse of the future, as well as reminding them of what makes teaching and learning most successful. As  a result  of the impact of COVID-19 :

  • Teaching and learning is forever changed; hybrid models are here to stay
  • We’ll see a blending of traditional, non-traditional, and corporate learning structures as demand extends beyond obtaining degrees to include stackable micro-credentials to upskill, reskill, and “new skill” the workforce.

Learning Technologies Africa 2022 conference will be  exploring the critical issues facing today’s learning leaders. While we are unable to gather in person due to the pandemic, we are looking forward to gathering online where we will engage in discussions and experiences examining the strategies, skills, and solutions that matter most to our work and the organizations we serve.

Delegates will learn from experts and peers whilst sharing experiences, research current learning technology trend and best practice to take back to the day job of helping to transform people’s lives.

Whether you are an experienced leader looking to advance your career and help advance the field, or a learning professional new to leadership looking to build his or her skills, you’re sure to find the people, content, and community you need.

Panel of discussants  will facilitate engaging discussions and learning opportunities. This is a unique opportunity to meet and learn from fellow researchers, academics, and scholars from all around the world. Make your contribution to the field by joining discussions, sharing your research, and brainstorming solutions to common problems.